It’s OFFICIAL. The senior mixer has returned to SHA. Every year, the seniors host a mixer for the school and other surrounding private schools such as Notre Dame, Lauralton, Xavier, and others schools. Due to the pandemic, we have not seen a mixer since 2019 which was when our current seniors were freshmen themselves! The mixer is going to be held in the spring on March 24th. Similar to our Halloween mixer in October, every SHA girl is invited but you are asked to wear regular clothes – SHAppropriate of course. This year, only Notre Dame students will be invited, and the seniors will be the only students allowed to bring guests from other schools. Unlike previous years, the mixer will have a theme this year. The seniors not only host but plan the mixer and help in picking out the theme and make a playlist for the DJ. For our mixer, the theme is “Out of this World”. The mixer will be held in the cafeteria which will be dressed up in space-themed décor. Students are encouraged to wear neon or glow-in-the-dark clothing/accessories. What makes the mixer so special for the seniors is that they plan a coordinated costume to wear to the event. It is the seniors’ best-kept secret from the other grades and at the mixer, the seniors enter with a showstopping-reveal of their costumes. The mixer will also have a photo booth so everyone can commemorate this fun night. With the help of Mrs. Raccio, our resident party starter, and our amazing seniors, this mixer is looking to be the best one we’ve had yet.