Enthronement Mass

On Friday October 1st the Sacred Heart Academy community met together in chapel to celebrate their unique and longstanding tradition of Enthronement, where we came together and crowned the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is done to signify his place as king and provider of direction and inspiration to our lives. The senior class and faculty elect seniors to the Enthronement Honor Guard based off their ability to witness and share the love of the Heart of Christ in our school community. From there, these seniors use their gifts to prepare the always beautiful Enthronement mass so many of us look forward to.

This year we were lucky to have Chiamaka Alino, Nicole Ankrah, Michelle Chacko, Mehr Chhartre, Beth Convertito, Jenna Davis, Delfina Ferro, Ella Guth, Alana Landry, Justine Manning, Stephanie Mesidor, and Ashley Raccio on the Enthronement Honor Guard with Azucena Zecua Herrera as the Enthroner. These women were chosen to lead this year’s enthronement mass because of their ability to show true qualities of an excelsior woman and devotion to the Scared Heart of Jesus. The mass this year was especially heartwarming because of our gathering in the chapel as a community, bearing witness to the Enthronement which was unattainable last year due to the caution regarding COVID-19 mandates keeping us farther apart yet safe, nonetheless.

The ceremony is an example of what a faith filled community can come together and achieve during a beautiful and spiritual mass. The Enthronement provides a place where we can all reflect on Jesus’s presence within us through the insightful bible passages and Mrs. M’s beautiful song choices. It shows recognition of Jesus’s unconditional love for us and provides insight on how to live a life centered on Jesus Christ through the women elected to the court for all, no matter the stage of their faith journey.