Results From School Wide Survey (So You Think You Know SHA?)

To start off the new school year, we decided to test students’ knowledge of SHA in this edition’s survey. In general, the average score for this survey was 78%, which equates to answering 7.8 out of the 10 questions being answered correctly. Here’s the breakdown for each of the questions:

Question 1: 98% got the correct answer (Sacred Heart Academy)

98% Sacred Heart Academy; 2% Saving Hearts Association; 0% Sharing Heaving with America; 0% Sisterhood Academy; 0% Saints of the Holy Academy; 0% Sisters Helping Adolescents

Question 2: 89% got the correct answer (1946)

89% 1946; 8% 1879; 2% 1821; 1% 1984

Question 3: 80% got the correct answer (Excelsior)

80% Excelsior; 19% Impelled by Christ’s Love; 1% Lux et Veritas; 0% What Would Jesus Do?; 0% Ever Taller; 0% Be SHAmazing

Question 4: 88% got the correct answer (Greene Street)

88% Greene Street; 9% Benham Street; 3% Chapel Street; 0% Orange Street

Question 5: 96% got the correct answer (your praises in a joyous song)

96% your praises in a joyous song; 2% and together we are strong; 1% his holy name in this song; 1% and we all love ping-pong; 1% your joy in a happy song; 0% as we sing this song all wrong

Question 6: 25% got the correct answer (494)

27% 486; 25% 494; 24% 512; 24% 503

Question 7: 87% got the correct answer (Daily Offering)

87% Daily Offering; 11% Prayer to the Sacred Heart; 1% Hail Mary; 1% The Gloria; 0% Our Father; 0% The Apostles Creed

Question 8: 56% got the correct answer (Room 347)

56% Room 347; 31% Room 315; 11% Room 139; 2% Room 502

Question 9: 68% got the correct answer (Generosity)

68% Generosity; 14% Social justice; 7% Excellence; 5% Catholic Community; 4% Integrity; 2% Compassion

Question 10: 96% got the correct answer (True)

96% True; 4% False