Spring Sports

After extremely successful fall and winter sports seasons with a total of three state championship wins, we move on to our final season. This season’s teams include Track and Field, Lacrosse, Tennis, and Softball. Each team is defining the way their opponents are going to view them the rest of the season with their strong starts. Each team currently has more wins than losses and are continuing to follow the path our fall and winter sports team set for Sacred Heart Academy sports. Let’s hope this spring season ends with as plentiful of wins as the last two have exhibited. The softball captains for this season are seniors Alyssia Forcier and Jillian Cofrancesco, and junior Isabella Saracco. The track and field captains are seniors Lillian Torello, Karly Martino, Ava DeBrizzi, and Emerson Forbes. The lacrosse captains are Lily Chicosky, Sydney Rossacci, Lex Guercia, and Brooke Muzyka. The tennis captains are Julia DiAngelo and Morgan Kovacs. All of our captains are leading our sports teams to continue their hard work throughout spring break, and will continue to make Sacred Heart Academy proud!