Reflection and Self-Love are the Keys to Overcoming Beauty Standards and Here’s Why:

Did you know that eight out of ten women are dissatisfied with their reflection and half of them see a distorted image ( Since the beginning of time, society has been obsessed with the idea of being beautiful. The media is flooded with models that have tiny waists, full hips, and pretty faces. Everyone can relate to seeing these beautiful models in a magazine, on television, or social media, and wishing that something was different about themselves. The beauty standard feels like a rule that must be followed. To overcome the constant need to follow this rule, we must love ourselves entirely. To make this process easier, reflection is crucial.

We are constantly told to love ourselves and we blindly agree. Of course, we should love ourselves, we are stuck in this body and mind so loving it is crucial. This is obvious, but have you ever asked yourself: What are the terms of this? What does it mean to truly love myself? It is different for everyone but knowing this is key: If you get to know yourself, you will learn to embrace who you are. To accept something fully you must get to know it. This calls for reflection on your flaws, quirks, and weaknesses.

Often, people are too quick to change something about themselves that they do not like. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, approximately 1.8 million people had cosmetic surgery in 2017. Humans have the free will to do whatever they want to their bodies.

However, before you think about getting a major cosmetic surgery, ask yourself this question: Am I doing this for myself? Young girls tend to compare themselves to others they see in the media. The media’s influence gives us a false perception of what we “should” look like. For some, it pushes them to fix it without realizing they are doing it because the media said so, not because they truly want it.

Next time you are down on yourself for not looking like the model you see online, just think about all your good qualities because the qualities you think are bad are most likely based off the media’s ideals and not your own. Combatting the beauty standard is the biggest challenge young women face today. Reflecting on the questions stated above, puts you on the path to self-love because the answers give you a sense of self awareness. We can use this awareness to our advantage. Use this knowledge to figure out what kind of person you are. You must fully know who you are to love yourself. When we have self-love the weight of beauty standard will never be enough to make us succumb to change. Staying true to yourself during the journey of self-love, is crucial to reaching your destination.