December Kairos Retreat 2019

Kairos is a word which means “God’s Time” and is used to describe how God functions on a different timeline than we do. His time cannot be “used up” and He can never be too busy. This term is the title of the retreat completed annually by SHA seniors because the goal is to spend time with God, away from distractions, and to contemplate His role in everyday events. Sometimes, even in a Catholic school setting, God’s presence can be overlooked or taken for granted. The Kairos Retreat is a great way for students to reflect deeply on their individual relationships with Him, without the worry of homework assignments or sports games.

The December Kairos Retreat for Sacred Heart seniors took place in Hartford at Holy Family Retreat Center and lasted four days. A group of students and teachers spent three nights together, engaged in activities and exercises which not only brought them closer to God but to each other. In order to preserve the confidentiality of the retreat’s contents for upcoming groups, let’s take a look at some broad reactions to the retreat as a whole:

“The Retreat was kind of exactly what I thought it would be, but also extremely different than I had expected at the same time. All I can say for sure is that it was an experience I’ll never forget and highly recommend every girl to sign up.” -SHA Senior

“Kairos is a great way to learn more about yourself and your relationship with God. You also get to learn more about those around you who you’ve known over the past four years who you may not know as deeply as you thought. You may realize you have more in common than you think.” -SHA Senior

“I met a friend through Kairos who I had barely spoken to over my entire high school experience. Nothing had ever brought us close to each other before the retreat. It scares me to think high school could have ended before ever getting to know her, and I must give my thanks to the retreat for this friendship.” -SHA Senior

“Please go on Kairos! I don’t want to spoil it for anyone but I genuinely feel like I’ve grown as a person from going on it. I feel closer to the people I have classes with and closer to God when I pray at night.” -SHA Senior

Clearly the reactions to the retreat were mostly positive, and the girls seem to have come out of it with increased appreciation for time that’s specifically devoted to God. As someone who did not take part in the December retreat, I can say I’ve definitely noticed a shift in many of my peersĀ  upon their return to school. It is unrealistic to think a four-day retreat can transform someone’s entire life, but small changes in attitudes and perspectives can go a long way.

On behalf of all the students who attended Kairos, I would like to thank Sister Lisa and Sister Elizabeth for all their devotion and planning which always makes the retreat as memorable as it is. Also, thank you to the students who contributed anonymous quotes regarding the retreat. To everyone whose Kairos is still yet to come: Be excited!